Blog Traffic Report 2014 - 40,378 Unique Visitors - Growth; Location, Gender & Age

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I have been doing monthly blog traffic reports starting from the first month I started this blog. Today I have decided to wrap up a blog traffic report for the whole year of 2014. It should show more accurate data about what was happening last year. 

In average my blog traffic stats have gone up from 1,433 unique visitors in January up to 13,074 unique's at the end of December. Though there were 3 months (February, March, and April) when traffic didn't overpass 1,000 unique visitors in a month.

  • In total, my blog reached 40,378 unique visitors in 2014.
  • In average it is - 3364.83 unique's a month or
  • 110 unique visitors in a day

Blog Traffic 2014

Blog Traffic 2014 (Data source: Google Analytics)

As you can see from the graph provided above, pretty serious growth has happened during those twelve months. Most impressive traffic growth happened at Q4.

Blog Traffic 2014 Weekly

Blog Traffic 2014 Weekly (Data source: Google Analytics)

Most visited was Nov 30 - Dec 6 week, when unique visitors totaled in 3,583  - should I mention, that on these dates Black Friday and Cyber Monday happened?

Blog Traffic 2014 daily

Blog Traffic 2014 daily (Data source: Google Analytics)

The huge spike at the start of the year happened on January 24, 2014, when someone posted a link to Reddit, it was enough to generate to my blog most traffic on that day. And I will remember that day as a day of most traffic received (1,140 unique visitors). 

Next biggest spikes happened at the end of November/ start of December (again thanks to Black Friday and Cyber Monday), reaching 794 (on November 28) and 877 (on December 1) respectively.

Blog Traffic report 2014 by Quarters

Blog Traffic 2014 report by quarters

Blog Traffic 2014 report by quarters

As mentioned already at the start of this post, Q4 was the best in terms of unique visitors making more than 50% of unique visitors (26,746), leaving the second Q3 with 8,063, third Q2 with modest 3,445 and finally first quarter of last year with really modest 2,293 unique visitors.

The maths are simple - the year of 2014 was in the sign of steady growth.

I guess in overall results are neither good nor bad. Results are as they are.

10 most popular articles

In 2014 I wrote in total 428 articles, on average it is 1.17 articles per day. 

Here come 10 most popular articles

  1. 17 Best HP Laptops You Can Buy Online -
  2. Ukraine vs Poland by GDP 1990-2012 (Written in 2013)
  3. Best Selling Laptops under $500 in 2014
  4. Drupal Flex Slider gallery with thumbnails
  5. 13 Best Budget Laptops / Notebooks Under $250
  6. 10 Best Laptop Gift Ideas for this Holiday season 2014 
  7. 13 Best Dell Laptops - Buy Online From Amazon
  8. Image hover effects - how to change the background on mouseover (Written in 2013)
  9. TOP 10 Best Selling Laptops - August Edition
  10. Minimum Wages in European Union 2014

In total, these 10 most popular articles generated 40.45% of total unique page views. A pretty impressive number, right?

Mobile device users

In our days it's a hot topic -  while many claims they have more than 50% visitors browsing their sites using mobile devices - I can report more modest but still impressive results:

Mobile device users

Mobile device users (Data Source: Google Analytics)

As you can see from the image above - Desktop users still are the king for my blog making in total 74.09%, followed by mobile devices (19.26%) and tablets (6.65%).

One thing I have noticed here - bounce rates from mobile and tablets are lower than from desktop, and pretty significant lower, the same applies for average time spent on the blog.

Interesting trends to observe and improve in 2015.

Demographics: Age and Gender

I implemented Google Analytics Display features at the end of August, and here is the report after counting around 35% of sessions:

 Age & Gender

Demographics: Age & Gender (Data source: Google Analytics)

As you can see from the charts above, main audience for my blog is - males (66%) in age between 25-34. Females come second making 33.4%. Not bad, I guess. 

Demographics: Location


Demographics: Location (Data source: Google Analytics)

  • Around 1/3 (29.92%) of visitors to my blog come from the United States, followed by United Kingdom (8.55%) and India (7.75%).
  • Canada is 4th with 4.84% and Georgia (the country where I'm currently living) comes 5th with 3.96%.
  • 4 other European countries - Germany (2.17%), Spain (1.76%) and Russia (1.58%) are in my top 10 countries list.
  • Australia ranks 9th with 1.62%.

Traffic sources

Traffic Sources 2014

Traffic Sources 2014 (Data Source: Google Analytics)

I guess it is no surprise to see Google as the main traffic source in our days (though some reports show great results with Facebook or Pinterest as well).

  • in 2014 Google Organic search sent 78.28% or all traffic to my blog. 
  • Direct traffic (have no clue what it is) - made 10.12%
  • Referrals from accounts for 2.75%
  • Seems that Twitter (1.94%) got me better results than Facebook (1.03%)
  • Bing sent 0.38% and Yahoo sent 0.36%

Good to know.

Goals for 2015

While it has been a fun ride in 2014, I must admit total result of 40,000 unique visitors is nothing much.

Just logically I have some goals to achieve in 2015. I will not be arrogant, and will set my goal pretty modest - to reach in total 150,000 unique visitors in 2015.

In average it would ask to have 12,500 unique visitors each month.

Since I ended December with more than 13,000 unique visitors - I believe it is a reasonable goal to reach 150,000 unique visitors in 2015.