Change of Adsense ads for better layout - Experiment 1

| Google Adsense Tips | 3 seen

<p>I have been serving ads on my resources for a while. Today I was looking through my CTR measures, and discovered that ads on my blog performs very poorly. And I decided to change that.</p><p>For now I had CTR rate about 0.60% on my blog, by serving two ad units - one sidebar and one embed into text.&nbsp;</p><p>Sidebars performs very poorly, and seem embedded ads into text doesn't performs as desired. So I decided to make few changes.</p><p><strong>Here is what it was before:</strong><img src="…; width="926" height="1200"></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>I decided to change position for embed ads block from right to left, by now I have decided to leave intact left sidebar ad, and I have added one more ad unit, below article and above related posts.</p><p><img src="; width="548" height="1200"></p><p>If I will get my CTR% to or above 1% I'll be happy. To measure results, I will let the ads be served for one week. Of course I will inform about success or failures on my blog.</p>