Exploring the Impact of Facebook on SEO: A Case Study on TourGeorgia.eu (2014)

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As a webmaster, I'm always on the lookout for new and innovative ways to improve the SEO of my websites. Recently, I've become interested in the potential impact of Facebook on SEO and decided to conduct an experiment to see for myself.

In this article, I will share my findings as I explore the relationship between Facebook and SEO through a case study on my website, TourGeorgia.eu. I will be analyzing the effects of Facebook activity on the boosted posts and measuring the impact it has on the website's search engine rankings.

So, does Facebook activity have an impact on SEO? The answer is "sort of." While there is no direct impact on SEO, there is still value that can be passed on to SEO through likes and shares on Facebook.

The Experiment

To test the impact of Facebook on SEO, I created a post on my Facebook page and boosted it with a small budget. My aim was to see if this would have any impact on the search engine rankings of TourGeorgia.eu.

Starting Point

Before the experiment, I checked the search engine rankings of several keywords related to my website. The results were as follows:

  • Tbilisi - not in the first 25 pages
  • Tbilisi, Georgia - not in the first 10 pages
  • Tbilisi Travel Guide - 42nd place

It's worth noting that I did not link any of these keywords to my website, as I wanted to see the impact of Facebook on its own.


I will post updates on the SEO results after one week, two weeks, three weeks, and one month. This will give me an opportunity to see if Facebook has made any impact on the search engine rankings of TourGeorgia.eu.


In conclusion, the relationship between Facebook and SEO is not a straightforward one, but there is still value that can be passed on to SEO through likes and shares on Facebook. By conducting this experiment, I hope to gain a better understanding of the impact of Facebook activity on SEO and provide insights that can benefit other webmasters.