Home Remodelling - How It All Starts

| Home Remodeling | 7 seen

Recently my better part and I became a lucky home-owners, we went through a long and bureaucratic procedure to inherit a house in scenic place in a very remote country. The house is in a very bad condition and asks for a lot of investments - one of the primary things we are looking to do next - is to change a roof (it is leaky), to dig the well, draw in water and to connect to the electricity. Since it requires a lot of money and a lot of time I decided to start a new blog post series - Home Remodelling - to document progress.

Update: After a few years and a couple of thousand investment we lost ownership of this property and all the renovation works have stopped, instead we have a few other cool and interesting projects, see Home Remodeling for more

I will start with what we got. The pictures shown bellow are taken at the start of April 2015 and illustrates what we got.

Front view of house

Front view of our house

A small fish pond near house

A small fish pond near the house

Backyard of house

Backyard of the house

..and a skew shed

Old School electricity plugins

Old School electricity plugins

Apple orchard

Apple orchard

Broken fence

Broken fence

Moss covering the roof

Moss covering the roof

Electrical cabinet

Electrical cabinet

The good thing - we have an electricity here

Back view of house

Back view of the house



... one of the many



Previous owner of the house (R.I.P.) was a craftsman and the house is full of a lot of smaller and larger technical details



Old style tools and furniture

Old style tools and furniture

We are planing to renovate some of the furniture

Carpenter's table

Carpenter's table

Kitchen and a furnace

Kitchen and a furnace

Stairs to the second floor

Stairs to the second floor

A small stove in the second floor's room

A small stove in the second floor's room

Chess details

Chess details

The leaky roof

The leaky roof

A toy

A toy

Pine coppice

Pine coppice

A dump of old TV's in the yard

A dump of an old TV's in the yard

Our house at the start of April 2015

Our house at the start of April 2015

As you can see - my next big project is Home Remodelling. I will keep you updated of the progress.
