Rainy day in Tbilisi - Time Lapse Video

| Digital Photography School | 7 seen

That time of the year has come and as usual, in April I return to photograph that lovely brick wall opposite to our apartment, turning green. This year I decided to excel in time-lapse photography and video.

A few months ago I bought an intervalometer (around Christmas time) and today was actually the first time I put it on real action. 

I did a few tests to see how intervalometer actually works, and once get the basic understanding put it to capture 120 shots with 30-second interval (making 30 minutes in total). On-Camera settings, its manual mode, f 11, and ISO 400 (as it was a rainy day, I wanted to make it bright enough). Shot in RAW mode.

Making time-lapse videos are fun, during this 30-minute session I was able to make a coffee, upkeep some things on the blog, and do other stuff. Making this time-lapse involved using Adobe Lightroom for post-processing images, and Adobe Premiere making a video.

Adobe Lightroom

Import images to Lightroom, adjust some settings if needed, auto-sync all images, export as jpg 1920 pixels, make sure to remove the watermark

Adobe Premiere

The final comp was made in Adobe Premiere adding a sound effect (from free libraries)

I hope to apply my newly developed skills to make some nice star trails photography in the short future. My First Star Trail Photography