
Google Market Kazbegi


There has been a Google market in Georgian Stepatsminda / Kazbegi town at least since 2011.  No, you cannot get here cloud storage or keyword ideas for your next AdWords campaign, instead, there are tasty Georgian lemonades and other goodies you can find in almost every regular kiosk in Georgia. First discovered back in 2011, in April 2019, the Google Market was still there, though seemed closed at the time I visited it.  Google Market Kazbegi Enjoy!

Blog statistics June 2014


<p>This month was pretty good if compared with previous months in terms of website statistics. I reached <strong>1491 unique visitors</strong>, what is <strong>45.18% increase</strong> <a href="">compared with my blog statistics in May.</a></p><p><img src="…; width="1005" height="392…

Google+ comments block for Drupal site


Lately I have been paying more attention to power of Google+ and so I decided to give a try to Google+ comments on a Drupal site. Google for me generates about 70-80 percent of traffic, and so I guess most of the users will have Google account, to comment without need to login/register onmy site or let's say Disqus comment system I'm currently using on my blog. As you can see - comment block is really nice, and taking in consideration it's Google comment system I guess it might only help…

Floating social share buttons


Previously I already wrote how to add Facebook like button to your site, using a simple module. Today I'll how how to add floating social share buttons using custom code: Here is an example page: This will work for Facebook, Twitter and Google + buttons: Add this code to your theme files: <div id="pageshare"> <div class="sbutton" id="fb"> <a name="fb_share"type="box_count" href="">Share</a><script src="http://static.ak.fbcdn.…