Blog Traffic Report - January 2015 - 19,798 Users

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Welcome to already 16 my blog's statistics and traffic report, this time covering month of January, 2015. 16 months ago I started a journey called blogging

I have done those reports from first month I started to blog, to measure were I was, were I am and were I am heading too. Those reports keep me track my progress (or bounces), and hopefully can inspire some other bloger(s) as well.

Speaking of January traffic - in short - it was an awesome month, in total my blog attracted 19,798 users, I didn't managed to crack 20,000 milestone, but I do not feel sad about that at all. 

Blog Traffic January 2015

Blog Traffic January 2015

19,798 users is a 51,43% growth if compared to previous month.

It's a 6724 users gain if compared to previous month.

19,798 users in a month equals to 638.64 users in a day, again, it's up from 421.74 users in a day from last month

Following words I said last month (when foretasted traffic results for January):

Speaking of forecast for January - I will keep my forecast modest - 10,000 unique visitors or a little bit less (I'm afraid of traffic drop)

Well, first of all, I almost reached 20,000 users milestone this month, so my forecast was a false. Second, speaking of a traffic drop (I'm afraid of them every single day and night), this time instead of a traffic drop, I got a traffic spike, which actually was second spike during my blogging career.

Where I was a year ago

My blog is about 16 month old, and I have been doing monthly traffic reports from first month starting. So it's easy to compare were I was a year ago.

Blog Traffic Report: January 2015 vs January 2014

Blog Traffic Report: January 2015 vs January 2014

A year ago, after 4 month of blogging I first time managed to crack 1,000 user milestone (which was done thanks to traffic spike from Reddit). Now - a year after, I have almost reached 20,000 users milestone. Pretty impressive growth in a one year, right?

Road to 100,000 unique visitors in a month

Starting last summer, I have been measuring my success (or failures)  to reach 100,000 unique visitors in a month. Since there is nothing much I can analyse (just actual traffic results) - at end of the January 2015 - I stand at 19,78% level of eventual 100,000 unique visitors. I doubt I will reach 100 K any time soon, but it's good to know were you stand right now.

What I have done in month of January

There is no magic or formula - it's just a blog writing and up keeping (maybe a little bit following global trends). In short I have been consecutive bloging each day, starting October 2013 (missing just 2 days in May 2014). Another formula I'm trying to stick with - to write a minimum 500 words article each day.

In days I have no good internet access I'm posting from my phone. I'm trying to stay focused to not to miss a single day of blog post each and every day. That simple.

To keep up with growing numbers, last month I increased my blogging ratio to 2 articles per day, from mid January. I'm actually planning to keep with this strategy for coming months as well.

Traffic sources

After a longer period overall Google traffic decreased to 57% (from more than 80%), thanks to a 'viral' post on Facebook. 

Organic search: 57.98%

Social: 26.46%

Direct: 13.15%

Referral: 1.83%

(Other): 0.58%

In conclusion

Last month (January 2015) was a best month so far in terms of unique visitors. I almost cracked 20,000 unique visitors milestone. 

Speaking of forecast for February - I will keep my forecast modest - 14,000 unique visitors or a little bit less (I'm afraid of traffic drop, and there are only 28 days this month)