TerraMatris Crypto Hedge Fund Portfolio Value reaches $599.81 in January 2024

  • Founded in August 2023 by Reinis Fischer, Terramatris is a private crypto investment hedge fund based primarily in Tbilisi, Georgia. Operating globally, the fund focuses on options trading with cryptocurrencies, reinvesting premiums into various crypto assets. While the fund is not publicly registered under any specific jurisdiction, it actively engages with accredited crypto investors through the Raydium Decentralized exchange, offering TerraM tokens as a means of participation.
  •  In January 2024, Terramatris experienced significant growth, with the fund's value reaching $599.81, marking a $207.02 increase from the previous month. The trading volume approached $150,000, showcasing the fund's active engagement in the market. Options trading played a pivotal role, with 39 trades executed, yielding $203.55 in premium income. Additionally, the fund capitalized on carry trades, generating $4.36 in monthly yield from XRP investments. Website traffic surged, indicating growing interest, with 209 visits recorded, predominantly from the US.
  • Looking ahead to February 2024, Terramatris aims to further expand its portfolio, targeting a fund value of $800-$850. Investors interested in participating in the fund, with a minimum investment of $10,000, are encouraged to reach out to Reinis Fischer via email or LinkedIn for more information on acquiring TerraM tokens and joining the fund. With a commitment to organic growth and strategic investment strategies, Terramatris continues to navigate the dynamic landscape of cryptocurrency markets, offering investors opportunities for diversified exposure and potential returns.

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Terramatris is a private crypto investment hedge fund started on August, 2023, by me. The fund is privately held and is not publicly registered under any specific jurisdiction. Though, most of the time operated from Tbilisi, Georgia. 

In this article I will shed some light on happenings in the portfolio last month. January was quite busy, we returned back to Georgia from India and already in middle of January visited Athens, Greece for a short weekend trip. During the month I held two meetings with potential larger scale investor for crypto hedge fund. So far no results, Growing it organically.

Managing terramatris crypto hedge fund from Palolem Beach, Goa in India

Managing TerraMatris crypto hedge fund from Palolem beach in India (South Goa)

We trade options with crypto while reinvesting premiums back into different crypto assets. At the moment we are growing our crypto portfolio by selling put options on Ethereum and Bitcoin.  Once we will have at least 0.1 ETH or 0.01 BTC we will start selling covered calls on these positions to boost the total return. Occasionally we sell covered calls on long ETH futures.

Accredited crypto investors can SWAP USDC for TerraM tokens on the Raydium Decentralized exchange. 

During the month of January, there were no additional investment attracted to the TerraM coins on the Raydium liquidity pool, all the growth comes from the options trading and crypto gains itself. 

In January 2024 I was able to grow our crypto hedge fund to a whopping $599.81. The total fund's growth during the month was $207.02, which is about $6.68 daily. 

Month over month we recorded 52.70% growth, and I would be really delighted if we would keep such growth in the future months, but I also understand that might be very challenging.

At the end of January 2024 TerraM crypto hedge funds' total value was $599.81 (+207.02) if compared to December 2023)

Trading Volume

In January our funds trading volume almost reached $150,000, compared with December 2023 thats slightly less, but nevertheless the total premium income have grown significantly. We managed to optimize our trades for more premiums, with less capital.

Options trades and premium

In total we made 39 options trades last month, collecting $203.55 in options premium mostly from 1DTE options trades on Bitcoin. During the month we got challenged once and rolled out $40,000 BTC put option. At the end of the month there are no trade adjustments. 

Carry Trade

Additionally to income from options trades in the month of January we made additional $4.36 from carry trade on XRP. From the capital invested in carry trade ($329) that would give about 1.32% monthly yield. Awesome. We are quite satisfied with the returns form the carry trades and I'm looking to grow our carry trade portfolio ever month aligning it to the total value of the fund. 

As the funds value reached $599 in the end of January, I invested additional $280 in XRP carry trade. Now holding 1214 XRP while shorting with the same amount XRP perpetual futures contract. In case we will be able to repeat 1.32% funding fee return in February, we might be looking at about $6.9 additional income. Small but good!

Website Traffic

I have setup a simple website, informing potential investors about the fund, having blog with videos e.t.c. In month of January terramatris website was visited 209 times, with most of the visitors coming from the US.

Compared to December 2023, website experience 122% traffic growth. Awesome. As we are growing the fund and TerraM token organically, I hope the website will help to achieve our longer term goals.

TerraM token

Last month we staked additional 42 TerraM tokens on Raydum liquidity pool. In total there are 163 TerraM tokens available for Swapping against USDC.

You can participate in TerraMatris crypto hedge fund by owning TerraM coin. 

Each TerraM token corresponds to a 1/10,000th share in the fund, allowing investors to gain exposure to a diversified range of assets and strategies. This not only spreads risk but also offers a chance to benefit from the fund's performance. 

Learn How To Buy TerraM Token Using USDC coin and Phantom wallet

Goals for February 2024

For the month of February 2024, I would be delighted to see funds value grow to $800-$850

If you are interested in learning more or participating in the fund (minimum investment $10,000) - feel free to write me an email to reinis.fischer {at} terramatris.eu or connect on LinkedIn