Options Trading

Why I Stopped Selling Put Options on Micro Gold Futures (MGC)


As a seasoned trader and CEO of Terramatris crypto hedge fund, I have explored various trading strategies over the years. One strategy I have experimented with is selling put options on Micro gold…

How To Sell Covered Calls with Solana on ByBit


ByBit is my new favorite crypto trading platform, I switched from Deribit to ByBit around August 2023, with the launch of TerraMatris crypto hedge fund. I like trading on Bybit because, unlike on the…

My First Option Trade: FTR Aug16'19 2 Put @0.45


Now, this is exciting - in the late evening of March 28th, 2019 (GMT) I made my first options trade (s).To get to this point it took me a couple of months and a lot of reading, talking and watching…