Blog statistics May 2014

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Last month I expressed hopes to achieve 1200-1500 users this month, unfortunately my hopes were false. My blog traffic experienced growth, but not as much I hopped for.

Compared with month of April, in month of May traffic to my blog raised for 5% and totalled in 1027 users.

Blog statistics

By now I'm getting in average 33.12 visitors a day, what is up for 0.62 visitors in day compared with previous month.

In overall it was pretty OK, but I hopped for more.

I'm still hopping to get about 6000 users in month by end of this September/October. Will it happen? It depends - I can keep on relying on organic search traffic, or I can use some paid advertisement options. For now I haven't yes used any paid options. Depending on results at the end of this Summer and my mood - I could and I could not prefer paid advertisement in order to get more traffic.