Blog statistics June 2014

This month was pretty good if compared with previous months in terms of website statistics. I reached 1491 unique visitors, what is 45.18% increase compared with my blog statistics in May.

My blog website stats in month of June

1491 unique visitors in a month makes average 49.7 unique visitors in a day, what is up by 16.58 visitors in a day compared with my average day visitor count in previous month (33.12).

Power of Social Media

In June I started to more aggressively work with Social Media, I opted in for 3 social media sites  - Twitter, Pinterest, Google+... I do have Facebook as well, but in previous month I didn't perform there any activities. Social Network sites generated me 19.64% of unique visitors and here is the breakdown for each of them:

  • Twitter - 184
  • Facebook - 46
  • Pinterest - 36
  • Google+ - 20

As I already said - I din't perform any activities on Facebook at all - but still got 46 unique visitor from there. I did a lot on Twitter and Pinterest although. And compared them - it's oblivious that Twitter can generate way more traffic. Speaking of Google+ - The rumours of it's death is exaggerated. 20 unique visitors from it - of course is pathetic result. For now I will say this - there is no bad or good social networks - it all depends on... how many followers, likes, pins, friends you have there and how active they are. 

In Twitter you can get tons of followers immediately - and that is what I recommend, don't sit and wait somebody will notice you and don't listen to bozos, claiming that following thousands is for lamers. Start acquiring your Twitter followers now.

Here are some posts I made about Twitter in last month:

One of the reasons I chose to use Twitter was to align my website traffic more equally during the week. You seen when you are relying just on Search Traffic, usually your traffic is down on weekends. Google just sends you less visitors. And using social media is great way how to get your traffic back. You can read an article here.

Power of Organic Search (Google)

Organic search traffic still is my main traffic source, but in last month thanks to social media I managed to decrease Google role from 84.56% to 63.24% and it all thanks to social media.

I mean it's good to have organic search but rely on it complete might be dangerous. 63% still dominates my web traffic,  but it looks more healthier.

On the other hand decrease in overall search traffic percentage doesn't mean I'm loosing search traffic, it's steadily growing and each month is more than in previous month. For a last three month period it's increasing slowly by about 5-10%.

Popular posts

 These was my TOP 10 posts in previous month. The good thing 3 of these posts was created in last month. So technically 30% of my TOP 10 posts last month was created last month. 

Social Statistics (as of July 1st)

  • Twitter: 4629 followers (@Reinis_Fischer)
  • Facebook: 718 likes
  • Google+: 560 followers
  • Pinterest: 2523 followers

In conclusion

Last month, although is still pretty modest in traffic generated to my blog, leaves me pretty happy, speaking of next month web traffic forecast - I will be modest in my forecast - 2000 and more visitors would be great, but I will stick with 1600 - 1800 uniques forecast. Although I must bold another neat idea I figured out - this month I will continue to write each day, but minimum word count for my articles won't be less than 400 words.