Blog statistics July 2014

Month of July was really great in terms of website statistics, compared to previous month. My blog traffic experienced 49.43% growth and at the end of month resulted in 2228 unique users. I managed to attract 737 new unique visitors to my blog compared with my blog statistics in month of June.

My Blog stats July 2014

My Blog stats July 2014 (Data source: Google Analytics)

2228 unique visitors in a month makes average 71.8 unique visitors in a day, what is up by  22.17 visitors in a day compared with my average day visitor count in previous month (49.7).

To get better results from organic traffic last month I boosted my average article length, by setting minimum 400 words per article - I made a 36 posts with average 738 words per article. This is awesome. In total I have written more than 25K words last month (again personal record).

Power of Social Media

I have setup my social accounts on Twitter, Facebook, Google+ and Pinterest. Last month I focused just on Twitter and Google+. Social network sites generated me 25.84% of total unique users. It's up from 19.64% in month of June. Here is the breakdown for each of them:

  • Facebook: 259 (up from 46 last month)
  • Twitter: 249 (up from 184 last month)
  • Google+: 12 (down from 20 last month)
  • Pinterest: 6 (down from 36 last month)

Although I didn't performed much activities on Facebook (all my blog posts are synced with Facebook Bussines Page) - Facebook turned out to be N1 Social Network this site. Post about GDP per Capita in European Union, kinda went viral. Well I wouldn't call this viral - because it didn't sent me 10K traffic, but it was one of the most shared/liked posts from Sweden and Denmark (I guess Sweds and Danes are proud of beeing the richest nations in European Union?!)

In fact it turns out - while I was using Twitter to drive traffic, seems that some Twitter user has shared that post on his wall on Facebook, and that was enough to make FB as Nr1 Social Network last month.

I don't mind at all. Acutally this month I'm planing to increase my Twitter activities to drive at least 500 unique Twitter user to my site (in case I will lose Facebook users - I will break even or if things will go as last month - there could happen more FB likes and shares as well

Power of organic search

I'm talking of Google ofcourse. Google search traffic still dominates my blog traffic, but last month it decreased to 58.63% (down from 63.24% in previous month). Althoug total share from organic search decreased, in overall traffic from Google increased by pretty serious 38.53%.

Speaking of this I have ambivalent feelings - first - I'm glad I'm less dependant on Google, in last two month I have decreased Google users from 84% of total traffic share to 58% ( it's about 26% decrease). At second - I'm willing to have more organic search users, because it seems they convert better both for affiliate marketing and Google Adsense ads (yes I'm macking few bucks from such a modest traffic already).

Honestly speaking I'm pretty satisfied with things they are now - some 60% Google, 25% Social, 15% other (Have no idea about that others). 

Popular posts

Social Statistics (as of August 2nd)

  • Twitter: 8313 followers (up by 3684 followers)
  • Facebook: 717 fans (down by 1 fan)
  • Google+: 834 followers (up by 274 followers)
  • Pinterest: 3632 followers (up by 1109 followers)

Road to 100K unique visitors per month

I red in some blog that a successful bloggers has around 100K visitors to their blog. By saying successful blog author was meaning a blogger who earns a decent money from blog. Well for me it sounds a little untrustworthy, first of all 100K visitors - what is that? Visitors or Unique visitors?  To make a decent income - yes I agree chance if you have 100K (unique) visitors are much higher you will earn decent income to if you have 2K (unique) visitors.