Blog Archive: July 2016

Q2 2016 Blog Traffic & Online Income - 133,939 Users / $3,034.76


Welcome to the second quarterly traffic and income report for Q2 2016( April, May and June) . Make sure you check out previous quarter report or go thought the income report archives starting 2014.  If you are new here - I have been…

How I grew my blog to 1 million Pageviews in 34 months


It took me 34 months or almost 3 years to get to the 1 million page views milestone. In this article I will reveal 3 simple tactics (no tricks here) how I achieved it. I took the title and inspiration for this post from Chris Lema article…

Pond Digging - Part 1


Today come with a huge surprise, we were not on site, when a pond digger called and informed - we are heading toward your house to clean (dig) your pond. The thing is, we negotiated with pond guys such tasks a few week ago, but didn't…

Peony Nursery „Ziedoņi”


Peony nursery Ziedoņi is located in the Western Latvia, district of Kuldīga in Pelči village. I had a chance to visit this garden mid June 2016, at time when flowers did bloom. I wouldn't call this a little Latvian Keukenhof, but some…

Meson del Asador Restaurant review in Jerez de la Frontera


I now have a new personal favorite restaurant (with the other one been located in Izmir, Turkey - I will cover it in future, when will plan a trip to Turkey) - Meson del Asador in Jerez de la Frontera in Spain.  We went here just shorty…

Hotel Exe Guadalete in Jerez de la Frontera Review


We booked hotel Exe Guadalete in Jerez de la Frontera, Spain for one night at the start of June, 2016. It's a nice, decent hotel with free parking and cozy bed.  Right in the heart of Jerez... Is it a hotel with a convention centre or a…

Venta El Loro


Venta El Loro is a small tavern located next to the Barbate - Vejer highway, we got here randomly, just passing by. Turned out to be a nice, little tavern, where with the help of sign language (No English here), we managed to order some…

Ebb in Spain


For the first time in my lifetime I has to chance to see an ebb, or more precisely - the result of an ebb - an empty space in te place where a sea should be. That happened at the start of June, somewhere around Barbate, region of Spain…

Zahara de los Atunes beach, Spain


This year our trip in Spain took us to many beaches, and so in today's article, meet another excellent beach - Zahara de los Atunes beach near Barbate.  Our today's root started at La Codorniz hotel near Tarifa, followed by visiting…

Sunflower fields in Andalusia, Spain


In today's Piece of Liefe series - Sunflower fields in Spain. We continued our route toward Jerez de la Frontera, when suddenly sunflower fields popped out - we had no choice left, if was time to make some panoramic from here.See what we…

Republic Square in Yerevan


Republic Square in Yerevan definitely is the city's one of main landmarks and popular tourist spots. I first discovered it back at the start of January 2014, and have returned to Yerevan city since then a couple of more times. My latest…

Life Expectancy in European Union 2015


In today's article - Life expectancy in European Union (EU).  Life expectancy equals the average number of years a person born in a given country expected to live if mortality rates at each age were to remain steady in the future. In…

Average Salary in European Union 2016


My previous two articles about average salaries in European Union (EU) member countries turned out to be one of the most popular on the blog so far, I would even call them killer articles.  The first post about average salary in EU for…

Duna de Bolonia


Duna de Bolonia is located in the Bolonia beach, some 20km west of Tarifa. This dune is over 30 metres high and 200 metres wide, and stands out within the huge system of dunes to which it belongs. Located in the Bolonia Inlet, within the …

Bolonia Beach near Tarifa


Bolonia beach or Playa Bolonia is located on the shores of Atlantic Ocean some 20 km west of Tarifa. We got here at the start of June, 2016 early in the morning, just after checked out from La Codorniz hotel. The beach and bay is also…