Blog Archive: March 2015
World Backup Day: Protect Your Data with a Robust Backup Plan
| 4 viewsWorld Backup Day is an annual event observed on March 31st to raise awareness about the importance of backup and data protection. The day is a reminder that data loss can occur at any time, and having a backup plan in place is essential to…
Tbilisi Sulphur Baths On Kiev Street
| 58 viewsMost often referred just as the "Kiev's Bath" which is a direct translation from Russian "Киевская баня". This sulfur bathhouse is located on Kiev's street (left side cross-street from David Aghmanashebeli avenue) I have been heading here…
20 Best Toshiba / Dynabook Laptops You Can Buy Online -
| 73 viewsToshiba was once a major player in the world of technology, with a strong reputation for producing high-quality laptops. However, in recent years, the company has experienced significant changes that have affected its laptop business. In…
Shemoikhede Genatsvale Restaurant Review in Tbilisi (Marjanishvili Street)
| 19 viewsShemoikhede Genatsvale is a restaurant in Tbilisi (Marjanishvili street 5) owned by a GMC Group. GMC Group is famous in Georgia and particularity in Georgia because of they run many chains of restaurants. I was really hungry that night…
'Lermontov' Documentary Film
| 2 viewsLermonov is a documentary film about famous Russian poet Mikhail Lermontov made by Star Media. Babich design. Released in 2014. The film is spoken in Russian, and English subtitles are provided. I have never thought I will actually spend…
Rachis Ubani Tbilisi Restaurant Review
| 46 viewsI would call Rachis Ubani restaurant probably one of the best restaurants in Tbilisi. This restaurant serves a traditional Georgian Cuisine. It's not even about the great food they are serving here (although food is tremendous here) but…
Restaurant 'Oriental Pearl' Review In Tbilisi
| 8 viewsWelcome to another Tbilisi restaurant reviews series - today I will write about a Chinese cuisine restaurant Oriental Pearl located on Paliashvili street 90 (Vake district) in Tbilisi. I first discovered this restaurant a few year ago,…
Algeti Reservoir
| 24 viewsThe other day during a hiking tour at Birtvisi Canyon we discovered another interesting tourism object in Georgia- Algeti reservoir. I couldn't resist making some photos here (see below). I didn't find much information about this…
Hiking In Birtvisi Canyon (Hidden Trails Of Georgia)
| 128 viewsThe other day in the company of three we headed to Birtvisi Canyon for some hiking experience. It all started reading some info of a non-standard close to Tbilisi located destinations. And Birtvisi just popped up on this list. Turns out…
Cafe Discovery In Tbilisi Review
| 4 viewsWelcome to another post in series of Tbilisi restaurant reviews. Today I will write about a lovely Cafe located on Marjanishvili square in Tbilisi which offers tasty wraps for a budget price. Meet Cafe Discovery. I have been heading to…
Potential Business Partner Search In Republic Of Georgia
| 17 viewsDuring my blogging career I have received several messages on my blog's contact form asking for advice for potential business partner search in Tbilisi or Georgia. Well I only feel flattered and honored that I have been noticed and…
Projected Future Forecast For GDP In Former Soviet Union Block Countries (2014-2019)
| 27 viewsIn past I have created many GDP reviews regarding former Soviet Union republics, but have never made future GDP forecast report yet. In this article that's exactly what I'm doing. Now, Soviet Union doesn't exist for more than 25 years…
Best Hikes In Tbilisi Are Located Near Turtle Lake
| 13 viewsI have been living in Georgia for more than tvelwe years already. I have traveled around the country quite a lot. Probably one of my favorite destinations in Tbilisi is Turtle Lake. On hot summer days, I like to head here to perform some…
Stratfor: How Currency Woes Undermine Georgia, Moldova
| 14 viewsGovernments across the former Soviet Union have felt the impact of currency devaluations, but currency depreciations and related economic problems in Georgia and Moldova are exposing their governments to major political pitfalls this year…
Hiking trails near Turtle Lake (Tbilisi) - Photos And Route Map
| 6 viewsWelcome to another hiking / trekking post in Tbilisi. This time in a company of three we made a route from Turtle Lake - Round Garden (Eristavi street). As warm weather is more approaching, I'm more into outdoor activities. So - last…