Blog Archive: July 2024

Hi! My name is Reinis Fischer (38), a proud dad and devoted husband. CEO and Founder of Terramatris crypto hedge fund, drone enthusiast, world traveler, photographer, book author and passionate lover of Georgian cuisine (vegetarian).

An ex-pat living in Georgia since 2011, I trade stocks, take photographs, work out at the gym, and many more. Here I write about travel, finance, and other things that might interest me.

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Wheel Strategy on Bitcoin

Bitcoin, with its high volatility and potential for significant returns, has drawn attention from investors looking to maximize their profits. One strategy worth exploring is the Wheel Strategy, a versatile options trading method that can generate consistent income. However, the strategy's effectiveness, particularly with Bitcoin's inherent volatility, requires careful consideration and adaptation.The Wheel Strategy involves a systematic…

Options Trading |

Why I Decided to Invest in McDonald's Stock

Investing in McDonald's stock wasn't something I initially planned, but rather a decision influenced by my family's occasional interactions with the brand. It all started with a simple observation: our kiddo loves Happy Meals. Every time we ordered McDonald's for our child, I saw an opportunity to invest in a company that has become a part of our family routine.The Idea: Invest While You EatOne evening, after seeing another Happy Meal ordered to…

Stocks |

Week 47: Targeting 0.01 BTC Through Strategic Reinvestment and Covered Calls

As we embark on Week 47, the TerraMatris crypto hedge fund is shifting its focus towards a new strategic goal: accumulating 0.01 BTC by the end of the week through a daily minimum investment of $16. This approach involves reinvesting in Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) and leveraging market opportunities by selling covered calls. Additionally, last week saw significant market movement with Bitcoin dropping to $54,000, prompting us to roll 0.1…

Crypto |

NVDA Stock Post-Stock Split with Credit Spreads

In June 2024, NVIDIA (NVDA) underwent a 1:10 stock split, making its shares more accessible to a broader range of investors. As a seasoned trader, I've been leveraging credit spreads to navigate the high volatility of NVDA stock. This strategy helps manage potential risks and capitalize on market opportunities, especially amid the current AI boom, which I suspect might deflate or face stiff competition.NVIDIA has been a powerhouse in the AI and…

Options Trading |

Investing in Philip Morris: A Tribute to My Grandfather

Investing often carries a deeply personal significance, intertwining our financial aspirations with our cherished memories and family legacies. For me, the decision to invest in Philip Morris (PM) stock is not merely a strategic financial move but also a heartfelt tribute to my grandfather. According to family lore, he owned shares in Philip Morris or another tobacco company before World War II. To honor his memory, I've embarked on a journey to…

Stocks |

How to Sell a Bull Put Credit Spread on GLD ETF

The bull put credit spread is a popular options trading strategy that allows traders to profit from neutral to bullish price movements. This strategy involves selling a put option while simultaneously buying a put option at a lower strike price. The GLD ETF, which tracks the price of gold, is a common asset for this strategy due to its liquidity and predictable movements. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to sell a bull put credit spread on GLD…

Options Trading |

Week 46: Strategic Investments in Put Options and Reinvestments in SOL and BTC

As we dive into Week 46, the TerraMatris crypto hedge fund is focusing on targeting a minimum of $15 daily from put options, while strategically reinvesting in Solana (SOL) and Bitcoin (BTC). This approach aims to leverage market volatility to secure consistent returns and build a robust investment portfolio.Bitcoin Market OverviewThe week has commenced with an adjustment phase, particularly involving our put options strategy. Bitcoin's value…

Crypto |