Awakening garden in Aizpute

| Tourism objects | 5 seen

Almost in the city center of Aizpute, on Atmodas street is located Awakening garden (Atmodas dārzs, in Latvian). It's created by group of people from cross-art organization 'Serde' ('Core')

The second life is given to empty water bottles in which tomatoes, cabbage, strawberries, mint and many other popular plants are grown. 

Awakening garden in Aizpute

Awakening garden in Aizpute

I really love such sustainable development ideas, Less is more. Some time ago we planted veggies at our rural house in wooden boxes and got really good harvest.

Veggies in plastic bottles

Veggies in plastic bottles

Dirt cheap way to have a mini garden. Each plastic bottle is with a little tube at the bottom, making it effective way to water plants and save resources. Love it.

56.719934, 21.601315