A lifestyle blog with a fin-tech touch.
My name is Reinis Fischer (39), a proud dad and devoted husband. CEO and managing partner at Terramatris crypto hedge fund, drone enthusiast, world traveler, photographer, and passionate lover of Georgian cuisine (vegetarian).
An ex-pat living in Georgia since 2011, I trade stocks, take photographs & make video's, work out at the gym, and many more. I’m also the author of the Covered Calls newsletter, where I share insights on options trading, and offer personalized coaching sessions
I've started this blog, to keep memories, express my opinion, or just to have a good time and meet awesome people, just like you. I write about my travels in Georgia and around the World, Canon DSLR and DJI drones help to visualize my travels
Currently on the road saving 1 million dollars by 2045. For detailed progress see Dividend income reports.
Put seller by heart, I prefer investing with covered calls while reinvesting premium in dividend aristocrat stocks, see my stock portfolio
Also, I cover articles on indie travel (20+ countries and counting), like hotel and restaurant reviews.
With the help of my better part, we run a separate photography series: Piece of Life.
This website has been on the internet since October 2013. Back in it's glory days (2017-2021) blog received over 100K monthly visitors, now after AI revolution readership has dropped to about 2,000 monthly visitors.
Find me also on YouTube (stocks, crypto, and drone video) or LinkedIn
Alternatively reach me out below: