How To Display Google AdSense Ad Unit on Drupal Taxonomy Pages

| Drupal Development | 6 seen

Title for this article might be named also as - how to display block on taxonomy pages only. In fact that was the solution I was looking for about two years, and felt a bit awkward when figured out a very easy, not to say super simple solution.

The blog you are currently reading is Drupal powered, no WordPress, Joomla or some other content management system here, so I will speak Drupal language in this article.

Here is the super easy solution for those in hurry:

  • Create a new block, paste your Google AdSense (or whatever content you want, it's not only about Google AdSense after all), under block visibility settings choose only the listed pages and enter taxonomy/term/*

note that /* at the end of path - it is called a wildcard and means that your enabled block will be shown on /taxonomy/term/apples and taxonomy/term/oranges, in case you would like to display that block only on one taxonomy term page, you would enter a complete path without wildcard at the end, for example /taxonomy/term/apples.

Google AdSense on Drupal Taxonomy pages

Google AdSense on Drupal Taxonomy pages

In above image there is a working example of my taxonomy page Drupal Development and Google AdSense ad unit added on top of it using core Drupal blocks module. The above mentioned path will enable Google AdSense ad unit on completely all taxonomy term pages, and if you have a large website with tons of tags, this is a great opportunity to monetize those taxonomy term pages. 

Take a look on just a few of my taxonomy pages: Living in Georgia, Tbilisi restaurants, Drupal modules or Kitchen remodeling. Blends in nicely and what's best - it's set and forget. The more keywords you will create - the more page views you will generate and hopefully at the month of the end will make some lucrative income.

Tip for Google AdSense

It would be smart if you would create a new ad unit from Google AdSense, so you can better track which ad units performs better and makes you the most money.

Earnings per Google AdSense ad unit

Earnings per Google AdSense ad unit

I photoshoped above screen to smudge out impressions, clicks, RPM and other, because it' s against Google AdSense TOS. 

By now I have 6 Google AdSense ad units enabled on this website, well that doesn't mean they are displayed all at one on one page. Maximum ad units you are allowed to display on one page is 3. Using custom ad units helps me track which ads performs better and which not. 

Hope this helps!