How To Verify Skype Account Without US Credit Card (Microsoft Account Verification)

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In today's article, I'll share my experience how I managed to verify my age for Skype account. It all started that one day I was not able to login to my skype account, which I have been using for more than 10 years already. 

It turned out  Skype / Microsoft thought I'm a child, as apparently in my Skype account I had entered my birth year as 2008. Now back in 2008, it didn't seem an issue. Since Microsoft acquired Skype back in 2011, apparently, some new rules have been pointed out and it was on the February 2018, Skype started to think I'm a child. I was not able to login to my account, even despite I've been a paid subscriber to Skype OUT

Trying to Google out some solution for this strange case I ended up in this article: How do I change the birthdate on a Microsoft account?

I’m an adult, but my account thinks I’m a child

To change your own account from a child account to a full account, you need to prove that you're an adult. You have two options:

  • Option 1: Provide a valid U.S. credit card number
  • Option 2: Send us proof of age

Despite I have a valid U.S. Credit Card (see: How To Open A Bank Account in U.S., As A Non-resident Non - citizen, Wells Fargo Bank ) I decided to choose Option 2:

Send a fax or postal mail to us with proof of age. Use the following contact information:

Fax: (425) 936-7329
Mailing address:

Microsoft Account Child Age Verification
Microsoft Corporation
1 Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052

Make sure to include the following information:

  • This header at the top of your letter, "ATTN: MICROSOFT ACCOUNT CHILD AGE VERIFICATION"
  • Your complete Microsoft account email address. 
  • The first and last name for the Microsoft account.
  • The city, state, and ZIP code for the Microsoft account.
  • A photocopy of official identification that shows your birthdate, such as a driver's license, state-issued ID, or passport.
  • A valid email address (other than your Microsoft account) where we can contact you.

Next was to figure it out how could I send a fax in 2018, luckily I found a free solution, see: How to send international fax to USA using Faxapp

Here is the fax I sent to Microsoft Account Child Age Verification (attaching a copy of passport)


Dear Microsoft Account Child Age Verification team!
I'm sending you following fax to confirm that I'm an adult.
I believe I've  entered a wrong birthdate on Skype when created an account about 10 years ago. 
Skype username I cannot login: MYSKYPENAME
Correct information for birthdate should be following
MM DD YYYY (I'm attaching a photocopy of passport)
Here is my complete Microsoft account email address:
The first and Last name for Microsoft Account:
First Name
Last Name
The city, state, and ZIP code for the Microsoft account.
Unfortunately, I don't have such information or I don't know what's entered in Skype details.
I'm attaching photocopy of proof of identity (Passport, clearly stating I'm more than 13 years old)
If there is anything more needed from my side, could you please contact me via myemailadress@
Thank you for looking into this and hope for a positive answer.

After a couple of days, I received a positive answer and my Skype was unlocked:



This is Ronald with Microsoft Customer Support and I received an escalation in regards to changing the date of birth for your Microsoft Account @youremailadress. After reviewing the photo ID and account information you provided, we have updated the account date of birth to match the date of birth shown on your photo identification. Our process requires us to change the account date of birth to match that shown on the ID, but you can change it to something else if you wish. Please log into your account at the following site to verify the change and make any adjustments necessary: You should now be able to access your account normally as an adult account.


Please provide an update directly to this email letting us know if you have additional questions or concerns regarding your issue and I will be happy to assist you further.  If you wish a phone call to discuss this issue further, please provide us with your phone number. If I do not receive a response within 24 hours, this case will be closed.

