365 Day Photo Challenge Project

| Digital Photography School | 16 seen

In this post you will learn why I decided to take a personal 365 days photo project challenge and how I'm planing to complete it.

What is a 365 Project?

There are many different 365 projects, but they all share one goal in common: taking at least one photograph every single day, for a full year. Many photographers take that idea one step further to including taking, and posting, at least one photograph a day for an entire year. Some people start 365 projects on January 1st, but you can begin one at any time. Read more: Jumpstart Your Photography – Start a 365 Project

I like challenges and I really like to challenge myself. It was not so long ago, when at the start of October 2013, I challenged myself with a - 365 blog challenge. Soon it will turn 2 years since I opted in for this blogging thing, and those two years have taught me a lot - I feel that I have became a better marketer, I have developed some writing skills (still there are a lot of room for improvement) but what's most important I have changed the way I'm looking on things.

I'm not obsessed anymore with technical details I use to be. I'm more into an overall picture. I'm not sure is it for good or not. Anyway technical stuff about custom module programming in my blog has been less.Those past two years have helped me to discover a lot about things I like and helped me stop worrying of things that annoys me, and that's just thanks to regular blog writing. In fact if I look back to my earlier day posts I found them a little but awkward (not all, but there are some).

But hey as Zig Ziglar has said:

“It's not where you start or even what happens to you along the way that's important. What is important is that you persevere and never give up on yourself.”

With help of blog I have developed my skills into travel writing, restaurant & hotels reviews and what's not less important - I have learned how to actually make a lucrative income from that.

Blog has helped me to change a lot, and for good (at least I hope so)

Anyway - it's not about blogging this time, it's about taking photography.

So I decided I will take another challenge in order to improve my photographer skills and provide better photographers of my travels in blog.

365 day photo challenge

Day 1/365 Learning Exposure

Day 1/365 Learning Exposure

So above you can see my entry image for this challenge - I actually spent some time on figuring out how to get a decent exposure here, as you can see right now it's not about the details but about the overall picture.

I will take at least one picture each day for the next coming 365 days. I still have my own rules I will apply to this challenge:

  • All pictures must be shoot just in M (manual mode).
  • I might use some Adobe Lightroom to improve those pictures, but I'm not thinking of it at start of this journey, RAW photos might come, and might not to come during next 365 days.
  • Instead of a blog 365 days challenge I'm not forcing myself to publish that photo online each day, it's about taking and learning some skills after all/
  • All project photos with short descriptions I will add to my Flickr account.
  • I might and might not publish some of the photography on my blog as well.

After the successful completion of my 365 day photo challenge I'm looking to better understand photography and take better pictures.

If you are interested to learn more about 365 photo project, here are few links to get you started: