A Simple Workaround to Display AdSense Ads in Drupal Views


Google AdSense is a popular platform for publishers to monetize their websites by displaying ads to their visitors. If you have a Drupal website and want to display Google AdSense ads in your views, there is a simple workaround that can…

Record numbers of visitors visit Georgia - hoax or true?


Today and yesterday I was reading some articles, claiming that record number of foreigners have visited Georgia in 2013. According to Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia - 5 365 356 foreigners crossed Georgian border in 2013.Why I dont…

GEL continues to be weak against USD - is it time to start get worried?


At the end of December I made post about that Georgian lari continues to be weak agains USD. Today I decided to see what exchange rates are for today (07.01.2014)And for my surprise GEL CONTINUES to be weak against USD, so much, that for…

Browser wars - Google Chome 55%, IE 3%


Remember the Mosaic, early days of Netscape browser? I actually don't, but have heard of them a lot. For many years my default choice has been Google Chrome browser - I even sometimes was so lazy, that didn't the cross-browser testing for…

Blog statistics December 2013


December was quite a busy month  - I managed to post everyday, but my enthusiasm has gone away.Top 10 blog posts according to Google Analytics:Christmas Charity Fair In TbilisiDrupal views taxonomy mapUkraine vs Poland by GDP 1990-2012Best…

Latvia Joins the Euro Zone (2014): A New Era Begins


Latvia is set to become the latest member of the Eurozone when it joins on January 1st, 2014. This will make the 17-nation currency bloc one country bigger, following the lead of two other former Soviet states, Estonia and Slovakia. The…

The End of an Exciting Year 2013


As the end of the year approaches, it's a time for reflection and looking back at what has been achieved. In 2013, I embarked on a personal challenge to blog every single day for 365 days straight, and I am proud to say that I have…

Get Insights into Your Site Visitors' Engagement with the Click Heat Map for Drupal


Have you ever wondered where your website visitors are clicking on your pages? Knowing this information can help you make important design decisions, such as where to place ads for maximum impact. That's where the Click Heat Map for Drupal…

Discovering Tbilisi by Bike - A Timeless Journey Amidst New Year's Celebrations


An updated take on an article originally published in December 2013, with a note that unfortunately, most of the pictures from the original piece have been lost. However, new photos have been added to showcase the beauty of Tbilisi.…

Experimenting with Facebook Scheduling Posts for Increased Traffic (2014)


As a webmaster, it's important to constantly explore new ways to drive traffic to your website. While search engine optimization (SEO) is a key component in boosting your website's visibility, there are other ways to drive traffic and…

Bakuriani: Your Next Winter Sports Destination in Georgia


Bakuriani is a popular winter resort located in the heart of the Georgian mountains. Known for its scenic beauty, serene environment, and world-class skiing facilities, Bakuriani has become a popular tourist destination for winter sports…

Can Facebook Boosted Posts Drive Profitable Traffic through Google AdSense?


Lately, I've been pondering over the question of whether it's possible to monetize traffic driven from Facebook Boosted Posts. I recently conducted an experiment where I used the Facebook Boosted Posts feature for the first time and was…

Facebook Boosted Posts - A Cost-Effective Way to Drive Traffic to Your Website


In today's world, social media plays a crucial role in promoting a business, increasing its visibility, and reaching a wider audience. One of the most popular and widely used social media platforms is Facebook, with over 2.8 billion active…

Exploring Tbilisi on Two Wheels: A Journey Through the City's Streets with a Mountain Bike (2013)


I recently went on my first mountain biking excursion of the year on December 23rd. Although it wasn't a true mountain biking experience, I rode my bike along the streets of Tbilisi, crossing over the Mtkvari river on the Queen Tamar…

USD Value Increases Against GEL in 2013: Is It Worth the Panic?


If you're keeping an eye on the exchange rates, you might have noticed that the US dollar has been steadily gaining strength and by December 2013, it reached its peak. The exchange rate for 1 Georgian Lari on December 23, 2013 was set to 1…