Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 7 - Theming views


<p>In <a href="… 4</a> in tutorial series how to build a Drupal site from scratch, I am showing how to build views. Now let's upgrade them, by…

Week #5 of blogging 365 days in a row


<p>Fifth week of <a href="">blogging 365 days in row</a> has already passed away. I need to confess - without future posting feature, nothing wouldn't work…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 6 - Working with blocks


<p>In <a href="… 4</a> of this Drupal tutorial series we created a view with block - Features tours. Now is the right time, to do something with…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 5 - Custom fronpage


<p>By default Drupal comes with frontpage set to display latest 10 nodes from your site:</p><p><img src="; alt="" width="632…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 4 - Creating views


<p>Let's move on with our tourism companies website tutorial.</p><p>In part 1 we created a custom content type - Tours, now it's time to make a few views which will contain data from node related to content type…

10 largest countries by military expenditures 2012


In a world shaped by geopolitical dynamics, military spending plays a pivotal role in defining a nation's strategic capabilities. Let's delve into the realm of defense budgets and unveil the top 10 countries that invest significantly in…

Week #4 of blogging 365 days in a row


<p>3d week of blogging resulted in 15 blog posts. Nothing much to tell more.</p><p>At the end of 3d week I realized there is need to implement some Twitter strategies, do drive traffic to my blog. Decided to use Twitter…

Dauphinoise potatoes


Time by time, I like to experiment with food preparation, this time I decided to make a Dauphinoise potato, inspired by BBC Good Food recipe.  As it might happen, it happened this time as well - I didn't stick to BBC food preparation…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 3 - Better administration


Recently I started a tutorial series - How to build a Drupal site from scratch. In part 1 I'm talking about planing a site. In part 2, I'm showing how to make a subtheme from Bootstrap theme.  Before digging deeper in site customization,…

Building a Drupal site from scratch - part 2 - Applying a subtheme


Recently I started a tutorial series - How to build a Drupal site from scratch. In part 1 I'm talking about planing a site. In this tutorial I'm giving a real example for building a tourism companies web site for real customer. In part we…

Today will be announced new Prime minister of Georgia


Recently I wrote an article about Georgian press discussing whether the new Prime Minister of Georgia will be David Seergenko. To this day Georgian Press, has already 3 candidates: David Sergeenko, Irakly Gariabshvili and Giorgi…

Display YouTube videos on Drupal site with YouTube field module


Recently I started a new topic series - documentaries, where I publish documentaries I have watched and recommend to watch others. I write a brief description of what each documentary is, and then I embed a YouTube link to show a video on…

First Month Blogging Results: Blog Statistics October 2013


As a new blogger, it's exciting to reflect on the progress made in the first month of blogging. I've put in a lot of effort to create content, and it's interesting to see the results. One of the key metrics to track as a blogger is the…

30 days Twittering in a row


As you may have noticed, I recently ran a contest for 365 days of consecutive blogging. Now that it's the start of November and I'm brainstorming ways to drive more traffic to my blog, I've decided to give Twitter a try. The idea is to…

Getting Started with Building a Drupal Site from Scratch: Content Types, Fields


Building a website, whether it's using Drupal or not, requires careful planning and consideration. It's important to determine what the purpose of the website is, who the target audience is, and what value it will bring to your business.…