High Yield Dividend Stock Buy Ideas: AWP, FGB, DHY

| Stocks | 4 seen

I still haven't opened a decent discount stock broker for buying US stocks (I have been in talks of opening a broker account at Lynx Broker), while in the middle of the process, I decided to investigate some high yield dividend stocks in the US.

There are dozens of great dividend income blogs, I love to read their monthly dividend income reports and of course, compare my self to others. Just google - "+month dividend income report" and you will be amazed finding a ton of great reading.

Some bloggers are high net individuals while others are not. One interesting blog I have been following for about a year is John from DividendQuest.com, by reading John's monthly dividend income reports I noticed he is investing in high yield REIT's, with a dividend yield ranging 7-11%. Now, this is some serious yield, but sure it's more risk as well. What was more surprising (at least for me). John has in his portfolio stocks paying dividends monthly. Wow, I  thought. DividendQuest.com inspired me, and without hiding, I admit I took following stocks from John's portfolio - AWP, FGB, and DHY.

My plan is simple - after I will open an account with a discount broker I'm planning to put $1,500 to purchase these shares. With yields ranging from 9.13% (DHY) up to 11.67% (FGB), such small $1,500 investment should add about 10% annual yield, giving about $150 in dividends, or average $12.5 monthly.

Now $12.5 monthly is what I'm looking for right now. With high yielding US stocks paying dividends monthly I could really boost the lower end income months in my current portfolio (March, August, November).

Also, these 3 stocks could add up to my goal reaching $300 per month in May 2019 dividends. For right now, my projected May 2019 earnings stands at USD 127.62., by adding $12.5 it would mean $140.12. Still short of $160, but let's leave that for another article.