My Online Income Report - November 2014

This is already my 11 online income report. I'm making an income report each month covering earnings I have made solely in internet and in general with my blog.

Those reports keeps me track were I'm, were I was and were I'm heading to. I hope they can inspire some as well.

About online income November 2014

  • In total I earned $704.00 , what is a 392.96% increase if compared to previous month ($142.81)
  • $704.00 makes average $23.46 in a day

In brief - this November was a goldmine, it beat all previous best results and totalled in pretty serious $704.00. Well for some it might not sound a very serious amount of earned capital, but for me - this has been the best month so far.

It has been achieved by using two custom channels - Google Adsense and Amazon affiliates program - I will not get in details how each of the channels earned, I will just note that vast majority comes from Amazon affiliates.

Speaking of second (Amazon affiliates) - previous month was pretty slow, and combined brought me in $142.00, then I said following words:

Obliviously I started to wonder - why does income this month is lower - and if honest I didn't find a good explanation. I have just one assumption - October was a slow month for retail sales, why? Have no idea! Maybe in October people have less money to spend?

I'm not sure does mentioned words describes reality, but I ended my October's report with following words:

Will it change this month?  - at least I hope so. It's holiday season, and if done right, this should be a gold miner.

And it was a gold miner!

Let me explain:

November is a month before holiday season and at the end of November was Black Friday, which was followed by Cyber Monday (Well Cyber Monday was actually at start of December) - and the last week of November made me most income. I would say that Black Friday generated me around 50% of total income.

Personally I'm not very satisfied of such results - because it's rather seasonal than regular. It's good to have that amount to be earned, but it's a bit to be worried about -  half of that be earned in one day. Which means sales on others days didn't perform well.

So if you are focusing on seasonal sales - you might find disappointing drop after.

On the other hand I didn't use much tactics to promote specially Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals (I used some, but not very much) - Vast majority of sales happened thanks to overall collective thinking of sales (At least I believe so).

In conclusion

At this part I'm making my forecast/goal for next month. Taking into account that holiday season has just started, and I can see data for first 2 days of December (Which already are pretty impressive) I will forecast about $600 in month of December, though I believe it can crack $1000 this month.

Things that makes me worried are following months after December. So I guess it's best time to figure out how to keep online income report steady for 2015.