Blog Traffic Report - October 2014

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This is already my 13 blog traffic report. This one is special for me - this month report compares my blog traffic with first month when I started to blog one year ago.

October 10, my blog celebrated one year anniversary - in case you are interested to find out more - what is the feeling after one year of blogging every day - you might find that post interesting.

Now let's see how my blog performed on month of October:

Blog traffic October 2014

Blog traffic October 2014 (source: Google Analytics)

  • I got 4785 unique visitors, what is a 42.24% growth compared to September traffic
  • I have managed to attract 1421 more unique visitors if compared to previous month
  • 4,785 visitors makes 154.34 user a day, what is up by 42.22 a day (previous 112.13)

Now lets see, how my precious blog traffic compares to those one year ago:

Blog traffic comparison October 2013 vs October 2014

Well... is there anything much to add, to describe image above?

It's 12,169% growth if counted by unique visitors. Some pathetic result of 39 users at month of October in 2013 compared to modest result of 4,785.

I can only add to this - this one year of blogging has been a great journey, in time of what I have learned few things, mastered some skills, and it's still just beginning of hopefully never ending journey - called blogging.

Now back to the October 2014

Well, this month was pretty busy both in my daily job career and in private life.

I'm working on few large scale Drupal projects, and there is not much time for me to do the "investigate blogging", but I'm still keeping up with my goal- to blog everyday.

Second - I was on a week long trip to Spain. Catalonia, Costa Brava.

That week I didn't blog at all, i had scheduled posts for that week. And guess what? That was the best week in terms of unique visitors to my blog. One single post about that I won't be able to visit Georgian fiest - Tbilisoba, attracted many searchers from Google.

What you can learn from that: to drive traffic to your site, sometimes it's enough to blog about popular/local events in form of future. Once the day comes, people will start to search that event more often, and there is huge possibility you will rank well already. The bad thing - this is not an evergreen content tactic - once the event has passed, the interest will drop as well. So you can plan to write about more upcoming events :)

Yes, Google still is the main traffic generator for my blog, and for me it's hard to tell - is it good or bad. I'm not very social active neither on Twitter or Facebook, though I have a solid followers base there.. I guess it's time to think of some strategy for social networks.

Now - though I have achieved pretty solid traffic this month, I still haven't achieved my goal - 6,000 unique visitors a month, I hope this will happen any time soon (hopefully this year)

Getting back to forecast for next month - hmm... it has been a good year, and almost every month traffic to my blog has only increased, but now thinking of month of November I have a feeling that there could be a very little growth or even an decrease.

Anyway I will stick with positive 5%-15% growth forecast for month of November - it should crack 5,000 this month.