Blog Traffic Report - August 2014

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Month of August was good in terms of my blog traffic. Comparing to previous month (July) my blog's traffic has increased by 15.98% of unique visitors, totalling in 2,584 (2,228 in July).

I have managed to attract 356 more unique visitors this month, if compared to previous month.

Blog Traffic Report August

Blog Traffic Report August (Data source: Google Analytics)

  • 2,584 unique visitors makes average 83.35 unique's a day, what is up by 11.55 visitors in a day, compared to month of July (71.8)
  • In total there were 12 days this month, I got more than 100 unique's in a day
  • The least visitors, as usual, I got in weekends, the day with less visitors got me 50 unique's

One of my success cornerstones are  - continuously posting every day with minimum of 500 words per article. In fact last month I have written 37 articles, with average 1047 words per article, in total making more than 38K words. This is my absolute personal best. Compared with month of July - total word count has increased by 52%. It's pretty much I guess.

Learn more about my contenet marketing tacticts, of writting minimum 500 words per article

Power of Organic Search

My main traffic source is Google, and in month of August, organic traffic started to pick up really fast. In fact 71.72% of my traffic come from Google. What is 13% increase from 58% last month. I will be completely honest with you - that gives me some concerns.

This is what I said, when I managed decrease organic traffic to 58%:

Speaking of this I have ambivalent feelings - first - I'm glad I'm less dependant on Google, in last two month I have decreased Google users from 84% of total traffic share to 58% ( it's about 26% decrease). At second - I'm willing to have more organic search users, because it seems they convert better both for affiliate marketing and Google Adsense ads (yes I'm making few bucks from such a modest traffic already).

Since my traffic increased, I'm happy, but since organic traffic increases so much, I'm concerned of longer time period - I mean Google Panda's and Penguins. I believe that no one should completely relay on Google, as you never can predict what will happen next.

Though, I said following words as well last month:

Basically I'm willing to see increase in organic traffic - gaining some 25-35% of organic search traffic would be what I need -  to be more confident, that I can attract some 3000 unique visitors in close future.

In fact, this month I increased organic traffic for 41%, what is above what I hopped for.

Power of Social Media

This month social media generated modest 12.39% of websites unique visitors. This is down from 25.84% last month. Not a good trend!

  • Twitter: 258 (up from 249 last month)
  • Facebook: 21 (down from 259 last month)
  • Pintereset: 15 ( up from 6 last month)
  • Google+: 7 (down from 12 last month)

I overall I have find a Twitter a pretty good traffic generation source - traffic from Twitter is steadily increasing lasts months. 

Road to 100,000 Unique visitors in a month

Last month I set up a general goal, to achieve 100,000 unique visitors in a month:

I decided to make my long-term goal  - to achieve 100K unique visitors per month (and to probably earn a decent income). My forecasts - it could take me at least 5 years starting today. I will not focus right now to get them - but I will use 100K as an indicator to see - how I'm performing compared to virtual 100K.

Month of august brought me closer to 100K by 0.2%, by today I'm at 2.5% from 100K

In conclusion:

Last month I said following words:

Anything above 2200 unique visitors next month will be a great result. I will say 2500-2700 is my forecast for this month.

Since I got 2,585 unique visitors, I have completed my goal for this month.

Predictions for month of September?

To get above 3,000 unique visitors.