February 2014 Blog Income Report $9.60

| Blogging | 4 seen

Hey, there fellow online entrepreneurs!

Today, I wanted to share my online income journey with you all. It's been an amazing 10 years since I started my online journey and I have learned a lot along the way.

Last month (January), I earned a total of $8.37 from my four online properties. Not too shabby, but definitely not enough to retire on. But, I'm always up for a challenge and this month, I'm happy to report that I've seen an increase in my earnings.

This month (February), I've earned a total of $9.60 from my blog, which is a $1.23 increase from last month. On average, I've earned $0.34 a day, a $0.09 increase from last month.

I've had three days where I made more than $1, with my highest earnings per day being $1.85. However, I've also had five days where I didn't make any earnings. These numbers are still pretty low and I'm only about 25% towards my goal of reaching $40 a month, just to cover my hosting expenses.

But, I'm not one to give up easily. I've recently started a new niche site and I'm hoping that in the long-term, I'll be able to earn $200 a month from it. This month, my goal is to end the month with earnings between $16-$20.

So, there you have it, my online income journey so far. I hope that by sharing my successes and failures, I can inspire others to keep pushing towards their own online income goals. Let's see where this journey takes us!