SEO Results After Implementing Drupal AMP

| Drupal Development | 9 seen

About a month ago I finally managed to implement AMP for my Drupal powered blog. Now, a month latter I decided to take a look and see is there any SEO boost from it.

In the past 30 days traffic have grown my 13%, for the first time cracking 100,000 users milestone. Although, it's hard to say with a 100% confidence that AMP did it - I still will say - AMP is amazing and I would recommend to implement it for any type of websites. If still wonder what is AMP, here is a brief explanation:

The AMP Project is an open-source initiative aiming to make the web better for all. The project enables the creation of websites and ads that are consistently fast, beautiful and high-performing across devices and distribution platforms. Learn more:

Why I'm not sure that AMP did the trick? In general month of August for my blog has always seen a good organic search traffic increase.

Website visitors before and after implementing AMP

Website visitors before and after implementing AMP

The total website traffic for the last 30 days has increased by 13.27%, what is an awesome growth, and you know what? Last 30 days have reached for the first time of this blog's history a 100,000 users per month milestone, which I first set 3 years ago (in July 2014), back then I though it will take me 5 years to crack 100,000 users per month. Reaching this milestone 2 years earlier already feels amazing. Now let's see - did AMP contributed to this growth.

When speaking about AMP, we are speaking about mobile search traffic from Google, let's compare now that in Google Analytics:

Organic search by device types

Organic search by device types

There is no easy way to filter out just mobile traffic in Google Analytics, but here is what I was been able to find out - indeed mobile search traffic have increased from 45.9% to 48%, and in fact in last 30 days, mobile search for the first time over passed desktop search for my personal website. As there are yet no clear evidence that AMP is involved here, I still believe it's achieved with help of AMP.

Last, but not least, let's see how many of total page views are generated from AMP view:

AMP Page views

AMP Page views

Now, this is  a quite impressive - 21.66% from total page views in last 30 days were viewed as AMP version. That's 28,463 from 143,640. That is a quite impressive number, let's agree on that.

A great helper when dealing with AMP is Google Webmasters central:

AMP on Google Wembasters

AMP on Google Wembasters

Using Google Webmasters I'm able to track down pages with issues and fix them. 

Frankly speaking, during the past 30 day period I haven't touched anything AMP related, as I wanted to observe some results after implementing it. Now I see - there are some things I could improve with AMP design and of course to fix AMP issues.

Despite there is no clear evidence that AMP is responsible for a 13% traffic gain in the past 30 days, there are more than enough evidence to say - AMP is here and it will stay here.