Super Charging May 2019 Dividend Income ($300/mo Goal)

| Stocks | 9 seen

May is one of the busiest dividend paying months from the Baltic Stocks. I've been investing in the Baltic stocks since 2017, and dividend income generated from the Baltic stocks slowly are growing. Nothing to brag about, but still, humble but decent.

In May 2017, I made $65.45 from peer to peer lending and Baltic stocks. Although the May of 2018 is just barely started I'm looking on about $140 this May. That's about $75 increase year on year.

In fact, May of 2018 promised about $200 in passive income, but I rushed a bit and sold one great dividend paying stock, as I believed a dividend cut to 0 is happening, just shortly I sold, it was announced that there will be an increased dividend. I sold with a profit and re-invested this money into other dividend-paying stocks. But after an announcement came I calculated that if I would keep the stock I would make about EUR 45 from this stock in dividends this May. Sadly I sold a day before the announcement. 

As they say, that's life, nothing is granted. What at one point seems like the bad stock, in the other morning can turn into best dividend yielding stock. No regrets here, but if there is a lesson learned - I should wait for more information in the future, before actually hitting the sell button.

As I keep investing in the Baltic stocks, I decided to supercharge dividend income to at least $300 in May 2019. That would ask to double my May 2018 earnings or it would mean about $150 growth year on year. $150 seems a great number to work with.

The plan is simple - I will keep building up my existing and adding new dividend-paying stocks to my portfolio for the next 12 months. Also, I'm planning to increase my investments with peer to peer lending.

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