Dairy Manor

Berghof Restaurant Review in Dairy Manor, Sieksāte, Latvia


This restaurant is located inside the Dairy Manor Berghof complex. During my visit at this complex I had a chance to try a local delicacy like salmon tartar at this restaurant. I learned there exists a gadget called a tea timer while I enjoyed my meal here.  Dairy Manor (Piena Muiža in Latvian) Berghof is located in the remote Latvian village of…

Dairy Manor Berghof


Dairy Manor (Piena Muiža in Latvian) Berghof is located in the remote Latvian village of Sieksāte some 160 km from capital Riga. This manor complex serves a hotel, retaurant, museum and a lovely park.  Bicycle parking at Berghof Some (perhaps you) can rent a bicycle here and enjoy a lovely ride around this manor complex Camper parking at…