How To Update Drupal Modules via SSH (Putty)
| 11 viewsTo strengthen Drupal websites security I decided to disable one-click automatic module updates from Drupal dashboard, unfortunately, it makes it harder not even for bad guys to compromise Drupal…
How To Migrate Drupal Website From Host to Another Host
| 2 viewsThere might be a dozen of reasons why migrating your existing Drupal (or any other CMS) website from one host to another. In today's article, I will share my experience migrating Drupal 7 from one…
How To Connect to SimpleMiningOS using Putty SSH Terminal And Few Simple Commands to Get You Started
| 40 viewsPutty is a nice and neat free SSH terminal for Windows OS, I've been using Putty for years, mostly to perform server-side tasks (Ngnix, Drupal and so on). About a month ago when I started gpu mining…
Drupal 8 Minor upgrade using Putty SSH Terminal
| 3 viewsIn this article I'll shed some light on how easy it is to perform a minor Drupal 8 upgrade between versions using free Putty SSH terminal and just a few lines of code. I assume your Drupal is…
How To Recover Lost Password on Linode Server (SSH, Putty)
| 28 viewsBad things happens time after time, and so did happened to me recently - after a longer pause I resumed work on a customers project, and I faced a problem - I had lost my password for accessing my …