Top 10 Countries By Proven Natural Gas Reserves
| 37 viewsWhile I was waiting for a draft resolution from a natural gas distributing company listed on the stock market which shares I own, I decided to learn more about the topic - Natural gas, and one of the…
Minimum Wages in Central Asian Countries 2017
| 2 viewsWhen speaking about Central Asian countries, I'm referring to the five former Soviet Union member states - Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The total population of…
Minimum Wages in the Former Soviet Union: A Look at 2013
| 12 viewsThe former Soviet Union was a vast region that encompassed a number of countries with distinct cultures, economies, and political systems. In 2013, the region was still recovering from the economic…
Minimum Wages in Central Asia: A Look at the Region's Low Wage Rates
| 15 viewsCentral Asia is a region that consists of five countries: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. The region has a diverse economy, with industries ranging from agriculture…
IMF Predicts 12.4% Economic Growth for Turkmenistan in 2013
| 3 viewsTurkmenistan is a country that has managed to defy the odds and experience steady economic growth, even during the global financial crisis of 2009. The country is renowned for having the fourth…