Lintel Installation & First Coffee Break

| Home Remodeling | 5 seen

If you have been following my blog and in particular home remodeling series you are already familiar with our construction works at our rural country house we started back in 2015

In the Summer 2016 we started another major reconstruction project - demolished old log walls for bricklaying new aerated concrete walls, I have been documenting most of the construction works on blog. In today's home remodeling series  - installing a lintel and enjoying first coffee break at upcoming bathroom (we are building a bathroom here).

I bought a special lintel to install over window opening - I had to hire two guys today to help me install it over. It wasn't so bad after all - we might get along by two people, but three is better (if you don't have special equipment)

Lintel installed over window opening

Lintel installed over window opening

Walls from AAC blocks

Walls from AAC blocks

It's not only about installing a lintel today, we added the supporting corner beam. It's just a matter of few more aac blocks and nice finishing and roof at this part of house will be fixed again, as for the last couple of days it was supported just by vertical supporting beams.

Coffee break

Coffee break

Ahh, cant wait to see the day when hipster style flower boxes will be hanging at outer walls of our bathroom, but for now - a large bowl of coffee is what is needed the most.