Making Rhubarb Wine

| DIY | 6 seen

In our garden we have a lot of rhubarbs, one thing you can make out of them is a rhubarb cake, but turns out there is at least one more thing you can do with rhubarbs - you can try to make a wine. 

In today's Do It yourself series - my (our )attempt of making a rhubarb wine - I'm calling this an attempt - because we actually didn't make any wine this year. But if you are looking for a receipt on how to make a rhubarb wine, here is one: How to Make Rhubarb Wine at Home



Above is our rhubarb harvest from our garden. First thing you will want to do - to remove leaves.

Cleared rhubarbs

Cleared rhubarbs

A Swiss army knife is a great tool to help you to clear rhubarbs.

Rhubarbs in the basket

Rhubarbs in the basket

Next thing to do - to squeeze a juice from rhubarbs, we used a regular juice extractor and learnt that rhubarb is pretty hard to squeeze, we had to cut rhubarbs in small pieces before putting in the extractor. 

Rhubarb juice

Rhubarb juice

Well... that's all we got today. If you want to make a rhubarb wine you will need to have a lot of rhubarbs. Probably will try to make a rhubarb wine next year again.