More Paint Job - Base layer for Kitchen's Floor

| Home Remodeling | 1 seen

Those of you following my blog have noticed I'm featuring home remodeling series here, it all started back in the Spring/Summer of 2015, when we inherited a lovely but very badly managed country house in rural Latvia. In today's photo series I will show you how using the most cheapest floor paint I gave a new life to a rundown wooden plank floor in our rural's house kitchen.

But before that, take a look how it all started in this kitchen:

Now let us begin with adding some floor paint in this lovely kitchen

Preparing floor for paint

Preparing floor for paint

If you are looking to paint your floor by yourself, make sure you have cleaned floor properly, no dust e.t.c. For us, for that summer a water was our biggest obstacle - we simply had no water attached to our house (no well as well), so to clean that floor, we had to bring in water from some other places, but still we were limited to about 50 liters per day (plus we had a lovely veggie garden we should water)

Our kitchen

Our kitchen

In the background you can see there is another room with paint already added. You can read more about it here: Painting Floor - Final Touch For Maximum Effect (Second Paint Layer)

Painting kitchen floor

Painting kitchen floor

I started with skirting, then with wood planks

Painting kitchen floor

Painting kitchen floor

Half floor painted

Half floor painted

As you can see the effect is dramatic already

Kitchen floor after first layer applied

Kitchen floor after first layer applied 

Now, I will add a second layer of paint to this floor and it will look almost ideal.