Remote and Abandoned Hipster Party Place with Great views of Tbilisi (Hiking near Turtle Lake)

| Living in Georgia | 4 seen

It was on a hazy Saturday morning in early January of 2018, we decided to go and visit our favorite hiking trails in Tbilisi, those ones located near Turtle Lake. 

Arriving at the lake with Taxi, see How to Get around in Tbilisi by Taxify (Taxi Mobile Application), noticing our favorite Intelligentsia Coffee Bar is still closed (we arrived before 10 AM) we made a lap of honor around the lake and started to hike towards the Vake Park

Hiking in Tbilisi

Hiking in Tbilisi

Soon we discovered some interesting, seems completely abandoned and pretty remote place, the best I could thought about naming this place - Remote and Abandoned Hipster Party Place with Great views of Tbilisi 

Cool construction

Cool construction

Apparently in Summer months covered and used as a central tent.  We found here a lot of wooden constructions - kind of stuff hipsters love - furniture elements from pallets. Interesting there were a few fridges, seems there is even an electricity cable (still wonder how electricity is calculated and paid then?)

Table with a view

Table with a view

We made a lovely picnic here from the goodies carried from home. Awesome.

Wooden stairs in the middle of nowhere

Wooden stairs in the middle of nowhere 

Seems some, or more probably group of some peoples have put a lot of energy here to build this all around. The question of what it is hard to get an answer - what the hell is this place? Who is running it and why it was abandoned? Mysterious as who is the Satoshi Nakomoto. 

In fact, at some stage I thought probably this place is run not by some hipsters in the searches for the meaning of life but crypto-anarchists miners, see Learning Crypto Currency Mining The Hard Way

Do you know more about this place? Leave a comment, readers and I would love to hear!