How I got 10,000 Unique Visitors to My Blog

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On August 26th (2014) my Google Analytics account reported a 10,000 unique visitors milestone for my blog (

For me, it was a small victory, and I decided to share with you my thoughts on that, but first, we must answer the answer - of how long time I needed to get those 10K unique visitors.

Update: Read how I got 10,000 page views in a day

10000 Unique Vistors

10000 Unique Visitors

The time period covers the first day I started to blog or more precisely I went online (October 10, 2013) - August 26, 2014

To get a precise day count I used Time And Date application:

Day count

Day count

As you can see from the above image, it took me 320 days to get that 10K milestone or ten and a half months.

Is it a good result? It depends.

Overall many bloggers get more than 10K in a month easily, on the second hand - I'm talking of a blog built from ground Zero, without any backlinks-building tactics, or other white/black hat SEO methods.

Anyway, I will give my self-subjective opinion - claiming that 10K in 10 months is a modest result - and it could be double or even triple. 

But things are what they are.

Now let's see a graph by months

10000 Visitors

Now we can see what actually happened on my blog for the last 10 months. 

The time frame October - December (2013) generated just 156 Unique visitors. I mean - in 3 months - pathetic 156 uniques???

So  - I can agree that starting a blog - you shouldn't panic about the low results of your first 3 months. Keep writing good articles and everything will be great (At least I hope so)

Next - and as I guess - a major push happened in January when I got my first traffic spike. After this push, which generated more than 1000 unique users in a day (absolute best so far, read how I got 10,000 page views in a day two years later) - Google started noticing me, and in the following months, my search traffic started steadily to increase.

Well - it doesn't mean you should wait for your traffic spike to happen, you should just need to make sure - Google is noticing you.

Starting the month of May, my traffic is more than 1K visitors per month. Last month (July) and this month give me already more than 2K unique visitors a month.

When I started my blog adventures - I had no clue about traffic, but I did one prediction/goal - to achieve about 6,000 unique visitors a month by the end of my first blogging year:

I have overall expectation to reach 6000 unique visitors by the end of October 2014, but I have no clue, where I'll end up to next year.

Seems I will not end with 6000 unique visitors in the next two months, but I will not be ashamed of 50% of it.

Another interesting topic I would like to mention - is earnings.

Can you earn something from Blog with 10,000 users?

Yes, you can - and I will say - not a bad amount of side money (passive income). Although my earnings for August aren't yet finalized, counting them in I have made around $150. So technically speaking - yes it's not so much if speaking of a 10-month term - but in case, you can get 10,000 users a month - it's not so bad at all. Right?

Leave me a comment, on how did you achieved your first unique 10,000 visitors!