Idol Hill (Alkakalnis) near Salantai, Lithuania

| Tourism objects | 5 seen

God's path are untraceable, without a strong reason we made our first stop in Lithuania at Mosedis catholic church, then left Mosedis and continued our road just straight (without any directions yet in our minds), when we noticed a road sign "Alka Kalnis 2km" and decided to take that turn and visit ancient Lithuanian pagan ritual place. Well what else could Alka Kalnis stand for? From my short Lithuanian knowledge Alka could mean Idol and kalnis goes for hill. Turns out an Idol Hill

This place is located close to Salantai, and actually from the top of the hill pretty spectacular scene can be seen towards Salantai.



A small altar

A small altar

Parking lot near Alkakalnis

Parking lot near Alkakalnis

You can get more info about this object on Lithuanian Wikipedia using Google Translate, see: Alko alkakalnis


56.07142, 21.54974