Optimizing Your Drupal Website for Search Engines: How to Create a Sitemap for Google Webmasters

| Drupal Development | 6 seen

A sitemap is a critical aspect of any website, including Drupal websites. It helps search engines like Google to discover and index all of the pages on your website, making it easier for users to find your content.

In this article, we'll guide you through the steps to create a Drupal sitemap for Google Webmasters.

Step-by-step guide:

  • Download the XML Sitemap module for Drupal
  • Extract it to sites/all/modules
  • Enable it from the Modules page
Here is the default settings enabled for XML sitemap module, including taxonomy sitemap, and sitemap submission to Google, Bing.
When modules are enabled, go to admin/config/search/xmlsitemap
This page should show one sitemap generated for your site, like this: your-domain.name.com/sitemap.xml
You have two options, check the box next to your sitemap.xml file, and from the upper dropdown click update cached files, but in most cases it would be enough. 
We need to configure our sitemap behavior.
Click on the Settings tab (admin/config/search/xmlsitemap/settings)
From fieldset choose the Content tab:
Our content by default is excluded from sitemap file, so we must to include it.
To include/or exclude some content type in sitemap, we must go to content type page we would like to include/exclude. From picture above, I would like to include in sitemap XML file all Blog.
Either click on Blog (Your content type) from XML settings page, either go to admin/structure/types/manage/blog
I have changed Inclusion box value from Excluded to Included, Default priority I haven't touched, I leaved it as default 0.5 (normal)
Now, by visiting your XML sitemap settings page, you should see something like this:
Now we are almost good - depending, if you would like add your taxonomy terms as well to sitemap, you should apply the same for Taxonomy term tab (By default they gonna be excluded).
When satisfied with sitemap configuration, go back to admin/config/search/xmlsitemap
Check the bock next to your sitemap file, and click Update cached files
And finally go to Rebuld Links tab, to rebuild your sitemap, after this process, you should have a sitemap ready to be submitted to Google Webmasters.
Login to your Google Webmasters account, from Sitemaps view - click ADD/TEST SITEMAP
Congrats, your sitemap has been submitted to Google Webmasters, by allowing Google to better understand how to index your site.
Be sure time to time, check your Google Webmaster account, to see if there is no errors or warnings about your sitemap, or other site related issues.

While creating a Drupal sitemap for Google Webmasters is a relatively simple process, you may still encounter issues or require further customization. In these cases, it can be beneficial to hire a professional Drupal development company like DrupalTbilisi.com to assist you with your needs.

DrupalTbilisi.com has a team of experienced Drupal developers who can help you create a customized solution that fits your unique needs and requirements. They can assist with everything from module installation and configuration to complex website development and customization, ensuring that your website is fully optimized and ready to meet your goals.

Creating a Drupal sitemap for Google Webmasters is an essential aspect of optimizing your website for search engines. With the help of the XML sitemap module, you can easily generate a sitemap that can be submitted to Google for indexing.

However, if you encounter any issues or require further customization, it can be beneficial to hire a professional Drupal development company like DrupalTbilisi.com to assist you with your needs. With their expertise, you can ensure that your Drupal website is fully optimized and ready to be discovered by users searching for your content.