Armenian Wedding

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In today's Piece of Life photo series - Armenian Wedding, no not mine big fat Armenian Weddings, but a candid street photography from Yerevan.

It all probably started at Yerevan's Brandy Factory, after visiting which we returned back to the old town by foot and noticed a crowd gathering near church. Yup, they were waiting for the bride and groom. 

So did we.. I quickly changed glass to telephoto and decided to experiment - yes your are right with the candid street photography. Wide apertures and amazing models. 

Wedding limousine

Wedding limousine 

Taxi driver without enthusiasm

Taxi driver without enthusiasm 

Wedding guests

Wedding guests

...and police

...and police

I captured both the bride and groom, but decided to keep their privacy and not to publish their images (well, I was just a passer by with a telephoto lens, and not an invited guests)