Flying Fish over Venta Rapid in Kuldīga

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This was my second attempt to photograph flying fish over Venta rapid this year, first I did it around April 20, but didn't choose the right position and the weather was damn cold (sky were totally gray). 

Second time, on April 29,  it was crystal clear sky, which in result got me a little bit boring photography, but hey at least captured some of the flying fishes this time.

The best place to photograph flying fish over Venta rapid, is by directly installing a tripod in front of it, Which means you'll have to climb down the rocky stairways and cross the muddy river-bed (your foot will be wet, so better take rubber boots).

The Venta Rapid

The Venta Rapid

Not the best day for landscape HDR photography (which I did), as the sky are totally clear and makes a boring scenery. I changed my lens to 70-300mm and got at least the flying fishes scenery.

Flying fishes over Venta Rapid

Flying fishes over Venta Rapid

Learn more about Venta Rapid and some of photography tricks I have tried here: The Venta Waterfall (Rapid) - Widest In Europe