Perseid Meteor Shower Time Lapse Video / Photography - August 13, 2017
| 10 viewsThe Perseid meteor shower, one of the brighter meteor showers of the year, occurs every year between July 17 and August 24. The shower tends to peak around August 9-13. The 2017 Perseids peaked on…
How to Photograph the Big Dipper
| 24 viewsHave you ever wanted to photograph the Big Dipper? It is on of the easiest and probably the most famous grouping of stars in the sky. Fail short using auto mode on your camera? I hear you - I was…
My First Star Trail Photography
| 2 viewsI have wanted to make star trail photography ever since I saw one. It took me some time to actually get out in the dark and capture one, as I knew it wont be so simple as it was with HDR photography…