Asus Laptops
Top 14 Best Selling Asus Laptops in 2023
| 32 viewsIn 2023 ASUS laptops might not be as popular as they were some 4-5 years ago, their overall share has shrunk from about 20% in 2017 to 8% in 2023 on Amazon's top 100 best-selling laptop list. In…
Top 20 Best Selling Laptops with Intel core i9 2023
| 108 viewsLaptops with this powerful but bit pricey, Intel core i9 processor has been around for a few years already. Made for gamers, graphic editors and business professionals - ASUS, ACER, and DELL are…
Top 10 Best Selling Laptops April 2022
| 15 viewsIn this article, I've listed the top 10 best selling laptops in April 2022 on Amazon Lenovo, ASUS, Acer, Apple, and HP are the brands of the month. As a proud owner of the Apple 2020 M1 chip macbook…
Top Best Selling NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti Gaming Laptops
| 27 viewsThe GeForce® GTX 1660 Ti and 1660 are built with the breakthrough graphics performance of the award-winning NVIDIA Turing™ architecture. Get amazing performance and image quality while live…
Top 15 Laptops With 24GB RAM Memory - For Better Gaming Experience
| 181 viewsAre you looking for a really fast laptop? Super Fast Gaming experience? Consider a 24 GB RAM laptop. 24 GB RAM laptops come with a price attached - to get a brand new one - expect to spend at least…
18 Top Best Selling Asus Laptops in 2017
| 219 viewsASUS laptops continue to be popular in 2017, making up about 20% of best-selling laptop computers on Amazon's TOP 100 best sellers list. In this article I've listed 18 traditional ASUS laptop…
The Future of Laptops: What to Expect in the Next 5 Years
| 66 viewsLaptops have come a long way since their introduction in the early 1980s. The modern laptop is now thinner, lighter, and more powerful than ever before. In the next 5 years, we can expect to see…
Budget-Friendly Laptops: The Top 5 Asus Models for Value and Performance
| 151 viewsAsus is a well-known brand in the laptop industry, and for good reason. Their laptops offer high-quality features and specifications at affordable prices, making them a popular choice for budget-…
Asus X552M Laptop Review
| 599 viewsFor a long time I have been making laptop reviews, since yesterday I bought a brand new ASUS X552M laptop on a local Georgian Carrefour shop I decided to describe my first impressions and a few…
Top 20 Quad Core Laptops (Popular among Gamers)
| 315 viewsMulti-core processors are not a surprise nowadays, we all are used to Dual-core processors powering our laptops, but what if we would have instead of two but four processors? Right, then we would…