Azerbaijani Cuisine

Dolma restaurant in Baku


Dolma restaurant is located on M.Rasulzada street 8 in Baku, this places serves typical Azerbaijani cuisine and is named as of the best Baku restaurants. This  restaurant was a recommendation from a Tripadvisor, we got here from our hotel room in Flames Tower using Bolt Taxi application At first, it was hard to find this place, as the restaurant…

Azerbaijani Restaurant Agha in Tbilisi


Azerbaijani cuisine restaurant Agha is located near Heroes square (access is from the Circus side) in Tbilisi. After a meal here - I'm already planing my next trip to the land of fire - Azerbaijan. At this restaurant I tried something new for me - Dushbara soup, piti soup and veal saji on Fire. Lately I have tried a lot new non-Georgian cuisine…

Širhans - Azerbaijani cuisine in Riga, Latvia


Širhans (Shirhan) is a lovely restaurant serving Azerbaijani cuisine located in the suburbs of Sarkandaugava in Riga, Latvia (Meža Prospekts 90). I visited this place just shortly after a visit to Riga Zoo. If you just like me enjoy Caucasian style cuisine you will enjoy this place. Although I must admit I'm very found of Georgian cuisine (Read…