
How To Update Drupal Modules via SSH (Putty)


To strengthen Drupal websites security I decided to disable one-click automatic module updates from Drupal dashboard, unfortunately, it makes it harder not even for bad guys to compromise Drupal…

How To Migrate Drupal Website From Host to Another Host


There might be a dozen of reasons why migrating your existing Drupal (or any other CMS) website from one host to another. In today's article, I will share my experience migrating Drupal 7 from one…

How To Connect to SimpleMiningOS using Putty SSH Terminal And Few Simple Commands to Get You Started


Putty is a nice and neat free SSH terminal for Windows OS, I've been using Putty for years, mostly to perform server-side tasks (Ngnix, Drupal and so on). About a month ago when I started gpu mining…

Drupal 8 Minor upgrade using Putty SSH Terminal


In this article I'll shed some light on how easy it is to perform a minor Drupal 8 upgrade between versions using free Putty SSH terminal and just a few lines of code.  I assume your Drupal is…

How To Recover Lost Password on Linode Server (SSH, Putty)


Bad things happens time after time, and so did happened to me recently - after a longer pause I resumed work on a customers project, and I faced a problem - I had lost my password for accessing my …