Questions & Answers
<p>Readers ask - I answer. </p>
Best stock options trading platform in Georgia (and most of the rest of the World)
| 16 viewsI've been trading stocks for about 20 years, I still remember the days around the millennium when I visited the bank office in person to place a stock buy or sell order. Not so long away, me too -…
Buying a Vineyard in Georgia
| 132 viewsThe other day a blog reader asked me about purchasing a vineyard in the Republic of Georgia. I do feel flattered being honored as an expert in such topics, but in fact, I'm not. Sure I have visited…
About Setting Up Virtual Trade Zone in Georgia (And Free Industrial Zones)
| 27 viewsA couple of years ago (in 2012) I met an American entrepreneur John Keogh here in Georgia. Back in these days, office coworking spaces were kind of popular and just obliviously popped up also in…
About Getting Residence Permit and Residence Card in Georgia
| 27 viewsRecently I was contacted by a blog reader asking about how to get a permanent residence status in Georgia, after buying an apartment in Tbilisi. I decided to come up with a longer answer in a blog …
A few tips for solo female travelers coming to Georgia
| 7 viewsThroughout its vibrant history Georgia has earned a reputation of a ‘Country of Contrasts and Contradictions” where ‘yes’ means ‘no’ and ‘red’ means ‘white’. Being situated in the Caucasian region…
Can You Buy a Good Life in Tbilisi With $500 as a Foreign Expat?
| 13 viewsA time ago I did an experiment - counted our (two persons and two cats) daily expenses for a month to find out that our monthly expenses have been at about USD 1,800 for that month. You can see my…
Travelling From Telaviv, Israel to Yerevan, Armenia
| 6 viewsAn Israeli traveler recently contacted me and asked could I give an advice on traveling to Yerevan (Armenia) from Telaviv (Israel). As this is a pretty broad topic to answer in one single reply I…
Potential Business Partner Search In Republic Of Georgia
| 17 viewsDuring my blogging career I have received several messages on my blog's contact form asking for advice for potential business partner search in Tbilisi or Georgia. Well I only feel flattered and…