South Africa

Safco-Fish.GE First Fish Blog in Georgia


At the start of January 2015 I was contacted by a locally living foreigner, originally coming from South Africa doing some fish business in Republic of Georgia, after a brief conversation via e-mails we agreed to meet each other and I insisted I would love to see those fish ponds he is working for. Well I just like things like that. I once even…

South African Fish Farms in Georgia (Sagarejo, Sartichala)


The other day I was contacted on my blog's contact form by locally living foreigner in Georgia originally coming from South Africa. It turned out Afrikaner guy (Johann Kritzinger)  is a manager of South African owned fish farms here in Georgia.  Since I'm open to almost anything new and unknown for me, I asked is it possible to arrange some…

BRICS: An Overview of the Five Developing Economies (2013)


The BRICS countries, which include Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, are a group of developing economies that are expected to have a significant impact on the world economy in the coming years. This acronym was created in 2010 to represent the economies of these five countries, which have a combined population of over three trillion…