
Hotel Kopola in Tskneti Review


Hotel Kopola is located in Tskneti, the suburbs of Tbilisi. Kopola Hotel features an indoor pool, a green garden, and a sun terrace with sun beds. There is a bowling alley at the hotel and guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant. I have been familiar with this place for ages, as in the past we come here for playing bowling and having some drinks…

Chops by the River - Restaurant & Grill


Chops by the River restaurant and grill is now among my favorite Tskenti restaurants, and allow me to say among Tbilisi restaurants as well. Located in village of Tskneti this restaurant offers single priced grill menus and very pleasant atmosphere. I have heard of this place by some friend before, but the circumstances that made us actually to…

Failed attempt to complete Tskneti - Turtle lake hiking route


About a year ago I discovered very cool hiking route in Tbilisi, heading from Turtle lake to Tskneti town. The total distance for this route was about 7 km and it offered very spectacular landscape views. I have completed this route several times - last time together with my dad in May, 2015. At the start of February I decided to offer this…

Restaurant Tsiskvili in Tskneti


It was a mid day of working day at the start of December when I came up with spontaneous idea  - lets leave our work behind and let's go out. I was eager to photography a daylight photography for my 365 photo project. We decided to use public bus instead of using a taxi to get to the Freedom Square in Tbilisi center. So we were standing at bus…

Hiking Trails in Tbilisi - Turtle Lake (Kus Tba) - Tskneti


I believe one of my most favourite places in Tbilisi is a Turtle Lake (Kus Tba). I have been heading here pretty often, actually just a few weeks ago we did a shorter hiking route heading from Turtle lake to Vake Park. There are pretty many hiking trails around Turtle lake - if you are found of eco-tourism or just like me (us) are looking to wind…

Restaurant 'Деловой ...' Review in Tskneti


Welcome to another Tbilisi Restaurant review - today I will speak of a restaurant located in Tbilisi Suburbs in Tskenti. The problem is that I don't know name of this restaurant, today I asked a locals and they told it's called a 'Biz... of something', in Russian they used a word 'Деловой'... well sorry I cannot give you a more details of this…

Kopala Bowling Review in Tskneti


Kopala Bowling is a bowling center located in the suburbs of Tbilisi, the mountainous village of Tskneti. This is one of the few places in Tbilisi and the neighborhood to play bowling.  We have been familiar with this place for ages, as in the past we came here quite often. Kopola is not only a place where to play bowling, actually Kopola is a…