
How to Install Drupal 10 with Nginx, PHP-FPM 8.1, MySQL, phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 23.04 - Linode Guide


In this article, you will learn how to set up a webserver for serving Drupal websites running with Nginx, PHP-FPM 8.1, MySQL, and phpMyAdmin on Ubuntu 23.04 For the following tutorial, I used very much the information from my previous guide with 22.04, but I decided to rewrite it for Ubuntu 23.04 version as it is shipped with php8.1 version and…

LEMP Server Ubuntu 12.04 for serving Drupal on Nginx


In this tutorial you will learn how to setup a LEMP stack on Ubuntu 12.04 for serving a Drupal site (s). Update: I originally started this post to document my setup for actually configuring Nginx server on Ubuntu for Drupal site at the start of 2015. Many things have changed ,ever since, thus most of the written bellow will work. LEMP is a…

How to Install ownCloud on Linode - Ubuntu 14.04


OwnCloud is a self-hosted, open-source file sharing and cloud storage platform that allows individuals and organizations to store, access, and share files securely from any device. With OwnCloud, users can create and collaborate on documents, calendars, and other digital assets, while keeping full control over their data and privacy. OwnCloud…