How To Buy TerraM Token Using USDC coin and Phantom wallet


At the start of December 2022, I minted 10,000 TerraM tokens on the Solana blockchain, tokens are available for sale on the Raydium decentralized market. Update: A Step-by-Step Guide to Buying TerraM Tokens via Raydium AMMIn this article, I will provide a brief tutorial on how some, perhaps you, could buy TerraM tokens online. Things you will need…

How to Withdraw Crypto To GEL bank account in Georgia


For most of my crypto ventures, I have been dealing with Coinbase and my bank account in the EU, which supports SEPA payments. Most of the time, I've been happy with the existing setup. When dealing with crypto in Georgia in GEL currency I have been skeptical or simply not in a real need for it - I know there exist a few crypto ATMs across the…